Five(ish) Fangirls Episode #47: Mystery Actor Archive

We're doing things a little differently on this week's Five(ish) Fangirls podcast. Instead of planning ahead on what we're talking about, we're leaving it to chance and literally pulling it out a hat! What will happen? Just listen and find out!

Also it's another slow news week as fandoms take a short breather before summer hits, but we do have a few pieces including convention news, and a character confirmation from the folks over at Star Wars. Plus it's a new month and that means a new photo challenge and book for the Traveling the Vortex Book Club.

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Doctor Who is coming to San Diego Comic Con
Andy Serkis’ role revealed for Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Guest announcements for Chicago TARDIS
June’s photo challenge
June’s book for the TTV book club: Lethbridge-Stewart: The Forgotten Son

John Barrowman and Stephen Amell tell the same story in different panels at Phoenix Comicon

30 Days of Channel Surfing Photo Challenge


Five(ish) Fangirls Episode #46: The Darkness Within