30 Days of Channel Surfing Photo Challenge
Time to change things up again. Taking a break from the normal "The ABCs
Of" photo challenge to do "The 30 Days of Channel Surfing" photo
challenge. Since most of our shows are on their breaks until Fall, Brittany
has decided on a TV show theme for June. Here is the list
**You can also use Internet shows (like Netfix Originals)**
**You can also use Internet shows (like Netfix Originals)**
- Favorite Opening Titles
- Device you use most often to watch shows ((Television, Computer, Smartphone, tablet, etc))
- The last show you mainlined
- Favorite Show based off (Or is a continuation of) a movie
- Favorite “New to You” show you started this last year
- Online streaming site you use.
- One (Or more if you can’t choose just one) of your favorite OTPs
- Favorite miniseries
- Favorite TV Animal
- Favorite Premium Channel ((HBO, Showtime, Starz, etc)) show
- Favorite Show that was recommended to you
- Favorite male TV character
- Favorite TV Show OST
- Television network that host most of the shows you watch
- A TV show cast/crew you would love to hang out with all the time
- Favorite quote
- Show that ended before its time
- Favorite female TV character
- Favorite costume/outfit
- Show you think didn’t/doesn’t get the recognition it deserves
- Show you can watch over and over again
- Favorite behind-the-scenes photo
- Favorite show based off a book
- TV show universe you would want to live in
- Favorite show that was on before you were born
- Favorite new show that started this last year
- Upcoming show you are most excited to see
- Favorite ensemble cast
- Show that you have been wanting to watch but have yet to watch
- Favorite season/series finale
Come Join the fun starting next Monday June 1st. If you have any
questions please don't hesitate to ask, someone will answer. As always,
if you have any suggestions for future photo challenge, send them Brittany's
way (http://ageekygirlwithoutabox.blogspot.com/).
As always have fun.... and stay strong, our shows will be back before we know it. ((Hopefully))