Five(ish) Fangirls Episode #349: Tale As Old As Time
This week we invite you to be our guest as we take a look at the history of the franchise of Disney's 'Beauty and the Beast'. From the theme parks to Broadway, this tale as old as time has made its mark on pop culture around the world. Plus some news, your feedback, and housekeeping.
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Stephen Sondheim, the Broadway legend, has died at 91
New episode of Gold Standard: The Sound of Music
Book club update
The Ballad of Belle & The Story of Beauty and the Beast
Therapist Reacts to Beauty & The Beast (animated)
Shelley Duvall’s Faerie Tale Theatre: Beauty and the Beast
The History of Beauty & the Beast | Fairy Tales with Jen
The Changing Versions of Beauty & the Beast (from fable to cocteau to Disney)