The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh: A D&D Adventure (Session 2)
Several miles away from the seaside town of Saltmarsh sits an abandoned mansion, fallen into disrepair after the owner's presumed death. Most of the town's residents presume it haunted, but there are a few who are curious of the treasures the alchemist who lived there might have left behind. The newest arrivals to Saltmarsh, a group of four castaways from a recent lost ship, are hired to check the house for any spooks or riches. Will they find their fortune or their demise?
Join the Five(ish) Fangirls in a new series, where we dive into the world of playing Dungeons and Dragons. Our DM (Jared) and Chrissy are seasoned D&D players, however the rest of us are brand new, so it'll be even more adventurous as we learn along the way.
*Note: Yes this is our second session, we did record the first one but unfortunately the audio did not turn out. We're still playing with finding the best setup that works for all of us so there will be some growing pains at least in the short term. We hope you stick with us and enjoy the adventure!
Ghosts of Saltmarsh Roll 20
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