Five(ish) Fangirls Episode #178: The Beginning of the End
Cracks in reality....enemies from the past returning....and a long-awaited wedding....but the pending destruction of the world is still looming. Join us as we discuss the mid-season return of Agents of SHIELD, including a lot of squee over said wedding. Plus news, including several convention announcements and some housekeeping where we ask for your feedback!
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Music courtesy of the YouTube music library
Convention news
-Indiana Comic Con: Matthew Lewis will now be attending on Friday only, James and Oliver Phelps will be attending Saturday and Sunday
-SLCC: Jennifer Morrison
-Indiana Toy and Comic Expo: The Five(ish) Fangirls will have a table
-Indy Disney Meet: The Five(ish) Fangirls will have a table
Audience survey