Five(ish) Fangirls Episode #103: Toys, Comics and a Deadpool Pencil Eraser
We're back to our regularly scheduled format, and this week Rachel tells us about her super-packed weekend. First about her day at Who North America playing the Doctor Who Role Playing Game (RPG), and then her day at this year's Indiana Toy and Comic Expo. Plus news and some end-of-the-month housekeeping....and a tangent or two.
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Convention announcements
-Dates for next year’s Planet ComicCon
-David Ramsey.
-Michelle Gomez will be at Chicago TARDIS
-Doctor Who will have a presence at New York Comic Con
The 1960’s Batman TV cast reunited for new Batman animation
September Photo Challenge: The Favorite's of Star Trek
Indiana Toy & Comic Expo
Doctor Who RPG
Who North America