Doctor Who Legacy Team Tips!
A mentioned on this week's show, we received some great feedback from Christopher with lots of tips on building strong teams in Doctor Who Legacy.
Tenth Doctor+
Jackson Lake+
Jennifer Lucas
Impresario Webley
Rose Tyler+
Tenth Doctor+
Jackson Lake+
The Seventh Doctors Sonic Screwdriver (Sonic Adventure)
Impresario Webley
Rose Tyler+
Which team is better depends on if the addition of Jennifer Lucas' level 60 ATK and ATK2 (she's a double red ally at rank 5) stats when she is given a rank 6 upgrade is higher than The Seventh Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver's level 60 ATK.
First Doctor
Angie Maitland
Spoonhead 11th Doctor
Kate Stewart+
Donna Noble
First Doctor
Spoonhead 11th Doctor
The Ninth Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver (Sonic Adventure)
Kate Stewart+
Donna Noble
Which team is better depends on if Angie Maitland's level 60 ATK when she is given a rank 6 upgrade is higher than The Ninth Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver's level 60 ATK.
Mad Man With A Box
Robin Hood
Jimmy Wicks Ganger
Amy Pond+
Silent Priest (Yellow)
The Second Doctor+
SA Jack Harkness (Sonic Adventure)
SA River Song (Sonic Adventure)
The Twelfth Doctors Sonic Screwdriver (Sonic Adventure)
Fan Robin Hood (Fan Area)
The Ninth Doctor
ARC (Fan Area)
Tobias "Toby" Zed
The Eighth Doctors Sonic Screwdriver (Sonic Adventure)
SA Cool Mickey (Sonic Adventure)
For each team except the green one, when the abilities of the convert and boost allies are ready, use the abilities of the first three convert allies in the order listed (for the sonic screwdrivers, tap the only color left that isn't the color of the team) and then use the boost ally's ability, then make a gem match. For the green team, when The Second Doctor+'s second ability and the abilities of the convert allies are ready, use the abilities of the first three convert allies, then use The Second Doctor+'s second ability, then make a gem match.