Five(ish) Fangirls Episode #59: May The Gems Be Ever In Your Favour
How do you spend nearly two hours geeking out over a gem-based app game that lets you play as any number of awesome Doctor Who characters with some of your very good fangirl friends? Find out on this week's Five(ish) Fangirls podcast where we discuss Doctor Who Legacy. And even with our respective devices on with the game running, we managed to stay on task and talk and not just play ;-) Also some convention news, movie and tv news, a new graphic novel, and some amazing news from our friends over at Who North America.
More convention announcements:
Guardians of the Galaxy 2 to begin filming in February Amazing news from Who North America
-Help support Who North America
New Avatar: The Last Airbender graphic novel series will explore Fire Lord Zuko's reign and legacy
Trailer for the final season of Downton Abbey
Doctor Who Legacy
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