Five(ish) Fangirls Episode #56: Mystery Actor Archive Vol. 2

This week on the Five(ish) Fangirls Podcast, we once again reach into the hat and pull out a couple of mystery actors for us to talk about. Who did we get this week? Well one is an esteemed British actor who's best known for playing some iconic villians and has a distinctive and recognizable voice. The other is also from the UK, but this time from Wales, and while he might not be as recognizable, he's certainly a talented actor who recently was on a favorite show of some of us that was unfortunately cancelled.

Plus just a little bit of news as most of our fandoms are in the middle of taping their upcoming seasons (it's the calm before the feels storm!), and a scheduling announcement. WE EVEN HAVE FEEDBACK! We also go on a few tangents, a rant, and one of the funniest endings to our show to date (we think).

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Doctor Who to return to cinemas
New Marvel Netflix episodes coming “every 6 months” 
Back to the Future trilogy to be re-released in theaters!
James and Oliver Phelps are coming to Salt Lake Comic Con!

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