#MarvelWithFriends Schedule

Marvel With Friends movie schedule

As we mentioned in this week's episode, we're planning on joining our brother podcast Traveling The Vortex in doing viewings of all of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) movies between now and when The Avengers: Age of Ultron is released on May 1st, 2015.

As with Friday Night Who, we'll all jump on Twitter and press play at the designated start time and Tweet our thoughts, comments, and whatever else comes to mind. You are more than welcome to join in as little or as much as you like, there's no pressure, it's all in the name of fun and friendship.

As an added option, we've included where the first season of Agents of SHIELD falls into the MCU. We will NOT be doing any sort of Tweet along with AOS, but it does play into the story lines from Iron Man 3 forward (and season 2 is building up a major story line that will appear in one of the Phase 3 films.....SPOILERS!!!)

So mark your calendars, and we hope to see you on Twitter for #MarvelWithFriends

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